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21.12.2021 19:00
Savaria Baroque Orchestra
Debrecen, Kölcsey Központ
Filharmonia Season Ticket - Debrecen
Season tickets

Throughout history, poets, painters, writers and composers have been inspired by the Bible's story about forgiveness and our ability to forgive. Learn the story of Joseph and his brothers through Handel's oratorio. Enjoy the Christmas concert performed by the Savaria Baroque Orchestra and the Debrecen Kodály Choir.


Kodály Choir Debrecen
Eszter Balogh - Joseph, an jewish
László Jekl - Pharaoh, King of Egypt and Reuben, Joseph's brothe
Zoltán Megyesi - Simeon, Joseph's brother
László Kéringer - Judah, Joseph's brother
Nóra Ducza - Joseph's brother
Kornélia Bakos - Pothipera, high priest and Phanor, a Pharaoh's chi
Krisztina Jónás - Asenath, the high priest's daughter
conducting: Pál Németh


Händel: Joseph and his brethren - oratorio
Filharmonia Season Ticket - Debrecen - további koncertek