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17.02.2022 19:00
Concerto Budapest
Debrecen, Kölcsey Központ
Filharmonia Season Ticket - Debrecen
Season tickets

At the time of great anguish over losing his hearing, Beethoven also lived through "his greatest creative period". Even when completely deaf, he often went on stage to conduct his compositions, and there were performances in which the composer was only convinced of the success when one of his singers turned him towards the celebrating audience. It was during this period of his life that Beethoven composed his only violin concerto, which will be performed by the Concerto Budapest in Debrecen on 17 February. The program also includes Russia's jewel and most celebrated composer, Tchaikovsky's Pathetique Symphony


Concerto Budapest
conducting: András Keller
Katalin Kokas - violin


Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D major Op. 61.
Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 6 (Pathétique)
Filharmonia Season Ticket - Debrecen - további koncertek