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Individual concerts OperaCinema Chmaber concerts
11.09.2025 14:00
Budapesti Nemzetközi Csellóverseny - Középdöntő
Budapest, Zeneakadémia - Solti György Kamaraterem
6 900 Ft

Ticket discounts:

We offer a 10% discount for students and pensioners. 

Filharmonia Hungary season ticket holders can purchase tickets with a 20% discount by showing their season tickets! Individual discounts cannot be combined!

If you purchase your ticket for 3 different events, we provide a 30% basket discount, if for 4 events, then we provide a 40% basket discount.

We reserve the right to change the programmes, dates, venues, and performances, and ticket prices may change accordingly.

Ticket office nearby

The competitors who reached the middle round (6)
Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra
concert master: Péter Tfirst


C.P.E. Bach: Cello Concerto in A Major
Haydn: Cello Concerto in C Major
Haydn: Cello Concerto in D Major
Schumann: Cellp Concerto
Variations on a Rococo theme
M. Weinberg: Csellóverseny, Op. 43 bis