Barion Pixel
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Individual concerts OperaCinema Chmaber concerts
14.09.2025 19:30
Budapesti Nemzetközi Csellóverseny - Gálakoncert
Budapest, Zeneakadémia - Nagyterem
7 900 Ft/ 5 900 Ft/ 3 900 Ft

Ticket discounts:

We offer a 10% discount for students and pensioners. 

Filharmonia Hungary season ticket holders can purchase tickets with a 20% discount by showing their season tickets! Individual discounts cannot be combined!

If you purchase your ticket for 3 different events, we provide a 30% basket discount, if for 4 events, then we provide a 40% basket discount.

We reserve the right to change the programmes, dates, venues, and performances, and ticket prices may change accordingly.

Ticket office nearby

The award-winning competitors
National Philharmonic Orchestra
György Vashegyi - conductor


The program of the gala concert will be decided by the international jury.